I’m Stuart Pounders.
I live in Nashville, Tennessee where I design applications for businesses in multiple domains.

I have been a tinkerer and artist my entire life. From reaching up on my tip toes so I could play my grandparents' piano to customizing lightsabers and working on cars. Attention to detail and diving into tech, music, and new ideas has always been a part of what energizes me.

In my mid twenties after being a bedroom guitarist for years, I decided to pursue performance. Starting so late brought its challenges. Most of them being mental such as imposter syndrom. I let myself think I was too old to start. I came to realize that could not be further from the truth.

I started lessons in jazz to satisfy my need for deep understanding of the things I enjoy. While I still would not consider myself a proficient jazz musician, the things I have learned along the way have provided much more musical language, freedom, and appreciation for all types of music.

Today, I am actively in the music scene on the weekends. I have also taken all that I have learned in the industry and applied it to my professional software engineering career. With over a decade of experience in software, I have gained the confidence and expertise to take on any challenge. I especially look forward to any projects that allow me to help others as well as scratch the tinkerer and artist itch that has driven me since I was a child.